Wednesday 15 August 2012

Self-trip III

Again, going through some old photos, I recalled that I made a third “self-trip” about a month ago (the 13th of July, to be precise), and completely forgot to write anything about it. Therefore, I thought I would write something short about the two main things of note.

First, I found nice examples of “rundhällar” (see Quaternary geology in Uppland) on a slope.

Many even had clear cracks and glacial striations.

Standing downslope, you could almost imagine the glacier ploughing toward you. Scary thought…

Second, I heard two squirrels fighting in a tree, somewhere above me.
I could hardly see them, less take pictures of them, but, eventually, one of them won, and (it seems) the victor stayed put in his/her tree, still enough for me to take some pictures. However, it was very difficult to get any good shots through the pine branches, so I took tons of photos, hoping that at least some would turn out ok by sheer luck.

And lucky was exactly what I was.
The squirrel was not as scared of me as I feared; it even seemed quite curious of me, and looked back at the camera many times. I was, of course, careful not to move fast or make any loud noise, but most small forest animals would still have been too shy or afraid and would surely have run away in the blink of an eye.

Lamentably, he/she eventually got tired of me, or perhaps duty called him/her somewhere else.

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