Friday 20 July 2012

Track tale

A few weeks ago, I found three trackways of different animals in the same place in the forest. It had been raining the day before, so the first ones were clearly visible in the mud. Looking around to see if I could figure out in what direction it had gone further, I found another series of tracks from a different animal in drier mud, so they might have been made significantly earlier. As if that was not enough, I later discovered a third track type close by.

I took some photographs to document the discovery, and though I should dedicate some time to research on what animals that could have made these tracks, but, frankly, it was not difficult to guess. But, to make sure, I compared them to pictures from a Google Images search on tracks from my suspects, and got a good match.

Recall that I have plans to make a slideshow with pictures of my rock collection (which I am still building up) – I thought I’d do the same with these tracks, mostly just to try it out and get some practice for the “big one”. This slideshow took about five hours in total to make, so it is tremendous work to compose such a thing, and it will probably take weeks of work to make the rock collection clip.

Still, I am rather proud of how well this turned out, at least for being my first, and using the shitty programmes I have been struggling with…

I could not upload it here, so I put it on YouTube:

Picture credits: (i.e. the pictures of the animals, in order of appearance)

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