Monday 10 December 2012

When life gives you lemons...

... make lemonade!

Sharing a small refrigerator with a bunch of careless students who prop it full of their food, and leave dripping liquids and open packages of sandwich spread (they don't even have the sense of putting a plastic bag around it) can be hellish when it gets to the extreme.

Luckily, it has not been awfully bad in our frigde yet, but I am still reluctant to keep my lunch food stored in it. Another funny thing is that the heater in our room does not work. We keep it warm solely by floor heating – which is not ideal, since the English heating systems seems to work in bursts of extreme warming and periods of rest for the temperature to cool down, instead of maintaining an even temperature...

... Anyway, my point is: if our room is freezing, why bother putting my food in that horrendous fridge? I just leave some of the stuff on my windowsill! (Although, most of it won't fit there, so it has to go in the fridge.)

Not quite what I meant, but a similar principle, haha...

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