Friday, 14 September 2012

Favourite dinosaur?

Everyone, shout out which is your favourite dinosaur!

I have been thinking and thinking and thinking about which dinosaur I like the best, but I can never come up with a definite answer. There are so many that are so fascinating in their own ways, that it is impossible to settle for just one.

My favourite dinosaur group is definitely the sauropods – the long-necked, colossal herbivores – for so many reasons I can’t even start to name them. But all sauropods were pretty similar to one another – what distinguishes them are mostly details in small holes or depressions in their skulls and vertebrae – so I would say my fascination belongs more to the group as a whole (the homogeneity being one of the characters that fascinate me), not any individual sauropod.

Previously, for some time, I was all about Iguanodon – the one with the thumb spikes – because it was such an intriguing creature – sort of a transition between ornithopods with primitive dentition (teeth) and the hadrosaurs (the duck-billed dinosaurs; ornithopods with perhaps the most advanced chewing apparatus in the animal kingdom) – and because I misinterpreted what I read in a book about their success: the book said that the igunanodontids (a group containing Iguanodon, its close relatives, hypsilophodontids [a group of really small ornithopods] and hadrosaurs) were spread across the globe, but I read it as if it was Iguanodon itself that had been so successful.

Now, however, I am quite blank. I am pretty into Spinosaurus and Therizinosaurus, because they both are so utterly weird – in a great way! But I cannot decide…

So please help me out : tell me which is your favourite, and why, and that might give us some good ideas!

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